iTHRIV Research Concierge Portal
Your Gateway to Resources, Events, and Funding Opportunities
The Portal is a powerful search tool, and it's yours to use
The iTHRIV Research Concierge Portal provides a single online entry point to essential clinical and translational research resources and information. Navigating the complex health research landscape can be challenging. This portal is designed to promote institutional and shared resources, best practices, team science, community engagement and innovation in health-related research.
Research Concierge Portal Overview
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Personalized Views

Content is customized based on institutional availability when researchers indicate their affiliation. Users can log in using their institutional credentials which allows them to select personal favorites and edit the resource pages they own.
Users who are unaffiliated with an iTHRIV institution are given the public view which filters content to resources and events that are most applicable them.
All users can switch from a filtered view to “view all” tab which allows them to see all approved, non-private resources in a given category. This allows users to learn more about resources at other iTHRIV institutions.
Browsing Modes

To browse resources in the portal, researchers and community members select from one of four browsing modes, allowing them to find content based current needs or project planning stage. Users can easily switch between modes at any time.
A SEARCH feature is available with filters to allow users to quickly find specific resources.

Users can toggle between the animated graph view and a list format when browsing. If you are not using an approved browser some portal features may not work. Try selecting the list view once inside the portal.

Portal Content
Content development and management is an ongoing process as resource owners add and edit their live pages through a web form in the portal.
The iTHRIV portal is LIVE with no known system issues. If you are experiencing issues, please email: